Carbon Fiber Essentials
Carbon Fiber in Interior Car Design
By Carbon Touch on Mar 28, 2021
The industry of automobile manufacturing has changed a lot in the past years, thanks to the innovations of technology. There is a recent trend of using lightweight materials like carbon fiber for the interior design of vehicles.
Carbon Fiber in Exterior Car Design
By Carbon Touch on Jan 25, 2021
Today, steel and aluminum are still used for vehicle production. However, car manufacturers have also started applying carbon fiber a lot as they are searching for a way in which to reduce the weight of cars and thus make them faster and more efficient.
How is Carbon Fiber Made?
By Carbon Touch on Jul 21, 2020
Carbon fiber is considered to be the dream material of every engineer as it is lightweight and, at the same time, incredibly durable. Have you ever wondered how carbon fiber is made?
Bulgarian Booth at the Index Dubai Exhibition 2019
By Carbon Touch on Sep 15, 2019
September 15-19, 2019 Dubai World Trade CentreDubai, UAE host the largest international exhibition for the Middle East and North Africa - IndexDubai, part of Middle East Design and Hospitality Week 2019 dedicated to interior design.
10 curious facts about carbon fiber. What do we not know?
By Carbon Touch on Jan 30, 2019
Carbon Fiber is one of the most interesting and innovative materials in the modern world. The most important thing we need to know about is that carbon fiber is a fabric made of carbon fiber threads in a special knitting thread, with their number ranging from 3000 to 12,000 threads.
How could carbon fiber make our day easier?
By Carbon Touch on Jan 24, 2019
The advancement of technology and modern science strives to optimize our lifestyle every day by providing us with new and modern alternatives for the products we use daily. Old materials have been replaced by new, lighter, more beautiful and practically - eternal.